Interesting facts to know about Alghero when visiting in 2022

Alghero is a beautiful walled town dotted with towers and bastions and sometimes even called little Barcelona. It is the capital of the Coral Riviera and has a characteristic landscape – several beaches, historic center, bays and even a natural park, for the hikers among us. The birth of  Alghero is traced back to the 11th century, when it was founded by  Genoese.

Capo Caccia viewpoint

Things to know about Alghero

  • The original name of Alghero is L’Alguerium, referring to algae that were regularly found on the coast. 
  • Catalan is still widely spoken
  • It used to be a small fishing village
  • Known as well as Riviera del Corallo, due to the fact that in its water is the largest amount of precious coral red of the most valuable quality.
  • Population: 44.019. 
  • It has two natural protected areas – Cape Caccia and Piana Island Natural Regional Park and Conte Harbour Natural Regional Park.
  • It’s the fifth largest town in Sardinia. 

Legend says…

Alghero is not short on legends, especially about its iconic sites. One such is the ancient mining village of Argentiera is said to be haunted by the souls of all those who died, often buried alive while mining silver. On warm summer nights, you can hear the metallic knocks coming from the tunnels dug 700m underground.

St. John Tower
Alghero Port

Among other famous legends, is the one of Capo Caccia, the spectacular promontory that rises 20 km (12.45 miles)  from Alghero.  Legend says it is actually a giant lying in the water. The giant loved the Sun’s sister Luna and this was its punishment. Now there is a lighthouse constituted at the Capo Caccia which became one of the icons in Alghero. 

The city of the red coral

Alghero is, also, the city of the red gold, the red coral. Waddling around the historical streets filled with tradition, you will notice immediately the shops that sell the Red Coral and jewellery made out of it. The coral is locally referred to as red gold, as it produces quite the wealth for the city. The coral belongs to the species Corallium Rubrum and has been knowns as the finest in the whole Mediterranean

You can even find the red coral in the official “coat of arms of the city,” granted by King Peter IV in 1355. A coral branch emerging from the waves of the sea, clinging to a rock. No coincidence that the area of Alghero is also called the Coral Coast.

It is important to know that the coral can only be collected by authorized fishermen. Yearly about 25 licenses are granted for fishing between May and October, and each fisher can collect no more than 2.5 kg (5.5 pounds) of coral. Fishing is only allowed in immersion with the use of an ax at a depth not less than 50 meters. Any use of underwater robots is prohibited.

Alghero Coat of Arms

Read also: 15 Interesting Facts about Sardinia

Red coral is not only the Alghero symbol, but it is one of the main symbols of Sardinia. While yellow gold fever developed in America, in Sardinia, there was the “red gold fever.” In around the year 1870 there were about 200 coral fishing boats in the Alghero harbor, with 6000 sailors, but only 24 ships belonged to Sardinian fishers. 

The legend of the red coral says the coral is born from Medusa’s blood.

The coral becomes an amulet that drives away evil spirits, brings good luck, and protects newborn children and soldiers in war. This symbolism was therefore accompanied by giving corals as protection from the forces of evil.

And don’t be scared when you see a high price tag on a necklace. It is due to the fact that completing a necklace can take years of work, as the artist needs to come by corals of the same color shade, therefore pure coral necklaces can cost up to 30 thousand euros.

Beware of the wild boars

Sardinia is known to have more sheep than people, but beware also the wild boars. Taking trips from Alghero on the local roads, a wild boar will cross your path. Make sure not to go as fast with your car if you don’t want to hit a wild boar.

The locals are used to them, but they can surprise you. When you first come to the city, you will see wild boars and souvenirs everywhere, which surprised us as well, and only later when traveling outside Alghero we understood when two wild boars crossed our path. They are everywhere and jump out of nowhere right into the road when driving. 

The local driver who gave us a ride was only waving his hand when the boars jumped into the road, right in front of the car, but if you don’t know about them it can be surprising. 


Wild boar plush animals in Alghero

Something for book lovers

Did you know the famous author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry lived for a few months in Alghero? He arrived at the military airport of Fertilia in a B26 aircraft piloted by Captain Rouzard and lived in Alghero until July of the same year.

In Alghero, he even wrote most of his novel “The Wisdom of the Sands” and his last work, “Letter to an American”. There is a museum MASE: Museum of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry located in the Torre di Porto Conte  celebrating his life. 

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