Explore Tjørnuvík

Did you know there is a village deep in a valley surrounded by high mountains and a beautiful beach? It is called Tjørnuvík and lies in the Sunda Municipality of the Faroe Islands.

Village of Tjørnuvík in the Faroe Islands, Denmark. Photographed by Miroslav Liska.

Inhabited in the 8th century and is one of the smaller villages in the world.
In 2002 it had a population of 64, which grew to 71 by 2006. It has around 40-50 houses and is one of the oldest settlements in the Faroe Islands.
There are no other villages around, and it takes under one hour to drive from the capital Tórshavn and one hour from Vágar airport to get to Tjørnuvík.

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At first glance, it reminds a little bit of the settlement Kattegat from the popular Netflix series Vikings, although it is much smaller.

Even small, it is a must-see spot when visiting the Faroe Islands. It gained popularity mainly due to its unbeatable location and its beautiful beach, which is the most popular spot for surfing on the Islands. 

Among some interesting facts – there is a choir that performs Kingo hymns that originated from Thomas Kingo, a Danish writer, and are basically ancient songs full of tradition. Sound like fun to me.

You can still get a beautiful Airbnbeven with only a few houses.  

What can you do once there? 

  • Enjoy the serenity and calmness of the surrounding nature
  • Go surf; the waves are amazing
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee at one of the local coffee shops 
  • Try out the local cuisine
  • Or, my favorite activity – waddling (a.k.a hiking) – there is a fantastic hiking route from Saksun to Tjørnuvík
Can you imagine yourself living there? We can. 

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