Have you ever wondered how much time you spend sitting? 

Being with my owners for a couple of months now I experienced many things and wonder about a lot what humans do.

One thing that surprises me most is theirhobbyof sitting down. It makes me curious how come they can sit all day at work and then later when coming home continue in their sitting.

Observing them, I learned sitting to be a basic human resting position, but apparently, humans sit now more than ever before. Until the late Middle Ages in Europe the only humans that were sitting in chairs were high-ranked and even the chairs that are used for this “hobby” did not have a backrest until the 16th century.


In the past sitting used to be associated with slacking off, but not anymore.

Simply said humans love to sit.  They choose different pieces of furniture or even the ground and shift in their positions various times. They sit down while eating, sit down while reading, sit down while looking at the box with the moving pictures (TV), and even sit down when other humans gather for a visit.

Everything they do is related to sitting even though it has a bad influence on their physical and mental health.

Observing my owners one evening more closely and came to an interesting finding.

Each of them always chooses a piece of furniture they claim for their sitting and then only change positions since they get uncomfortable after a while, yet they do not think of getting up and walking. No, they only change the position and continue sitting. Although now the smartwatches often prompt them to stand up. 

Most of my time before my rescue, I was standing on the shelf so this sitting thing is new for me, nevertheless, I learned the positions they sit in gives away a lot.

For example, when they sit side by side, it adds to their cooperative spirit in conversations and they seem to work together and see things from the same perspective. While sitting face to face they usually use a table between them as a sort of barrier and I know this to be the time for “serious talk” and it is all about business. And then times come when they sit diagonally with only one message sending off – do not bother me.  They simply want to be alone.

Humans made a business from sitting as I saw in a leaflet of a company selling furniture. The shapes and colors they sell the equipment for sitting are astonishing.

I never knew humans sit so much and although after a while it seems to cause them distress they do it every day. It looks also unnatural to me with the long legs they have – are they not made for walking? 

My own feet are too small to waddle far and mostly I am being carried everywhere, but having legs like they do I would walk more.

The human bodies were not made for sitting all day long from my point of view.

I find the chair to be their mortal enemy, killing them slowly, and wonder if they realize it. 

Do you enjoy sitting?

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