Nara Deer Park, located in Nara, Japan, is a serene and iconic destination that attracts many from around the globe. The park is home to over 1,000 freely roaming sika deer, considered sacred in Japanese culture and designated as a natural treasure. These deer are known for their unique ability to bow to visitors, a behavior encouraged by tourists offering“shika senbei,” special crackers sold to feed the deer. An interesting fact about Nara Deer Park is its connection to mythology: the deer are believed to be messengers of the gods, a belief rooted in the legend that a deity from the Kasuga Shrine rode to Nara on a white deer. This makes the park a natural haven and a site of cultural and spiritual significance. And thanks to thanks to our friends luciakontsek and loborosh, who took several penguin stones on their adventure, they also left one among the deeps. Look for a single tree in the middle of a tiny island in front of the NARA NATIONAL MUSEUM. The penguin stone was really lucky that it was not eaten by Nara deers.
Last known location – 34.68366, 135.83574