Vydrica is a minimalist wooden building, 13 square meters and can accommodate a small number of people as well as a few penguins. It’s interesting to mention that it is constructed from the local spruce wood coming from another part of the city forest park. The small picturesque “house” will allow you a pleasant escape from reality or even great as a hiding place when sudden rain or snow catches you.  It is set perfectly in the beautiful forest park, so that visitors have the opportunity to enjoy the view in peace and watch the  local animals, if you sit down and stay there for a while. However, beware – as it is quite a popular spot, or rather hot spot, it is not easy to find a time when nobody is there, so be prepared to share. We placed the penguin stone to the nearby tree trunk.

Last known location – 48.2325039N, 17.1154739E

To see the location of the other penguin stones, click on the button below. 

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