Lovrijenac Fort
Also known as St. Lawrence Fortress and is built upon a 37-meter-high sheer rock overlooking the sea, this detached fortress was of prime importance for the defense of the western part of Dubrovnik. During its service fortress was manned by 25 man garrison and a Commander of the fort. Today it’s among the most visited places in Dubrovnik.

Where to buy tickets to Lovrijenac Fort
People often visit Lovrijenac Fort after they waddled the Walls of Dubrovnik. It’s a nice end to the experience, and even though the fort is not part of the Walls, it still feels like it. Going to the Lovrijenac Fort will give you amazing views over Dubrovnik and its walls.
You can purchase tickets directly at the fort, the entrance of it. There is a small stand to buy them in.
However, if you purchased tickets for the Walls of Dubrovnik, the tickets are also valid for the Lovrijenac Fort.
The fort is open from 8 am till 6.30 pm.

To get inside, you must climb about 200 steps to the top. There is also a small park before it, with benches to sit and rest.
You will be happy to know that many scenes from the HBO show Game of Thrones were shot here. The scenes of the Red Keep in season one were actually shot in Malta, but from season two onward, the film crew moved the set to Croatia to shoot more exterior shots of Dubrovnik and Lovrijenac Fortress.

The fortress is named after St. Lawrence, a much-revered saint at the time of the Dubrovnik Republic, and there was once a church dedicated to him within its walls. Unfortunately, a great deal of the interior was destroyed in Dubrovnik’s earthquake of 1667. Restoration began immediately and lasted until the end of the century.

Notice an inscription located over the entrance.
Non Bene Pro Toto Libertas Venditur Auro
Freedom is not sold for all the gold in the world.
It’s funny they have such an inscription when Dubrovnik actually paid for its freedom. When the Ottomans were conquering Europe, the city regularly paid them around 1 million in gold coins not to be invaded.
Legend says
Legend says that in the 11th century, Venice planned to entrench its troops on this rock in front of Dubrovnik and build a fortress to conquer the city. However, Dubrovnik learned of this plan, and the citizens were mobilized to build a fortress at the very spot before the arrival of the Venetians.
They had been successful in making the walls of the fort facing the sea. As the Venetians came with ships carrying troops and supplies, much to their surprise, they realized their plan had failed and thought a fortress already stood there, turning their ships around. Then it took Dubrovnik another 500 years to finish the fort.

Chronologists date the fort to 1018 or 1038. However, the first records of the fort’s existence are from 1301, when the council voted on the Commander of the Fort. The fort was upgraded several times since its construction, with significant alterations made in the period of the 15th and 16th centuries.
Lovrijenac was defended with 10 large cannons, the largest being “Gušter” (the Lizard), marvelously carved and decorated. It never fired a single shot.
Read also: Walls of Dubrovnik

Being a dominant fortress whose capture could threaten the whole of Dubrovnik’s defensive position, a fail-safe mechanism was designed into the fort.
The walls exposed to the sea and possible enemy fire are almost 12 meters thick (40 feet), but the large wall surface facing the City does not exceed 60 centimeters (2 feet).
The fortress is used during the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, and Shakespeare’s Hamlet is played at the fortress.
It is definitely worth the visit and I also recommend waddling around the small park before that.
Found my favorite spot there, a bench overlooking the sea with Dubrovnik at your back. Could sit here for hours, pondering about life.

Going to Lovrijenac Fortress, you can also get a beautiful view of the Walls of Dubrovnik. You don’t even have to enter the fort; it is located on one of the benches there.

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