Do you sometimes think about nothing?

With the approaching spring and warmer days sat at the window and simply enjoy the view. The sun warming my feathers, the sky clear and blue.  A perfect day for activities, to be active, however, I found myself in the box of emptiness, simply thinking about nothing. And it was only later I learned it is a skill, not everybody has. 

Reading about human behavior and analyzing it, I found that usually only male humans possess the ability to go into the box of nothingness and it drives their female mates crazy.

It is a magical place where the males often go and females are unaware of, but of course, there are exceptions as well and some females may own the same box of nothingness in their mind, but I have not come across such a female yet.

It is rare like common sense.

It is so rare it should be classified as a superpower.

Nevertheless, as a male penguin, my brain works as a warehouse full of boxes. I have a box for every subject I am dealing with, every event or situation, I cared about, and was worth remembering for me.

When I try to talk or think about something I go to that one particular box and none other. It may take me a few minutes (I did not categorize them yet), but when I open it, I discuss and think about everything I have in that box. Once done, I carefully put the box back, without touching any other, I do not want to mess anything up.

After observing many conversations of my owners, I learned my female owner has boxes in her brain as well, however, when dealing with a subject she opens many, and I mean really many boxes to discuss a particular subject. Because of that, many times I did not understand my female owner when I ask something and she confused me so I sought the answer from my male owner instead.

The nothing box as many call it sure is my favorite place I like to go and my female owner did not understand it when I only sit or stand around and do nothing.

Although, I believe it is also natural for penguins overall. In the natural habitat in the southern hemisphere, there is not much a penguin can do and I saw in documentaries many times my fellow penguins just stood around.

I think they were in the mentioned box of nothingness. For many males, the box of nothingness is their favorite one to be in. It might seem we males think about something, but no, not really. There is absolutely nothing in our minds when we are in this specific box. It may be hard for someone to imagine it if such a box is not in their brains.

Hard to understand especially for the ladies – so please, try to be considerate, the next time your mate is sitting on the couch with a rather empty expression on his face.

However, I would recommend the male humans to explain the box or at least mention it to their female mates. Many do not know it exists and to have the knowledge about it, they might be less furious the next time you are in it.

What is your experience with the box?

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