Human inventions are astonishing.  Have you ever looked around properly?

Well, I did, and what made me once again wonder where the things humans use to move around, especially for long distances. Since most of my life I spent standing on a dark, cold shelf I only saw humans moving on their feet. Only later I discovered magic moving boxes and iron birds. 

The machines the humans invented and are building on a daily basis are extraordinary.

As I enjoy traveling it was a matter of time I get to know all the possibilities and I also came across some transportation that does not count into my favorites.

One of the first vehicles I had the pleasure of trying out was a huge metal box with many windows and seats inside humans call a bus. My first ride was amazing since I was seated next to the window and enjoyed the view, but it was a little bit eerie to travel with so many humans packed in one box on wheels.

The second machine I encountered was a smaller version of a bus called a car. It comes in every shape and color. Compared to buses which are usually public, the cars are owned by the humans themselves and give them more comfort. In my opinion, cars are too comfortable and make humans forget about their legs, which makes them exchange comfort for simple laziness. 

What caught me by surprise were the iron birds called airplanes. I never saw a machine as magnificent as this one and it stays a mystery still how can such a huge metal bird fly. I mean really, I am a bird as well and cannot fly and the plane took off without any problems. The gravitational pull on me must be much stronger. 

My favorite machine used for transportation is a train.  They are easily accessed, practical and I feel much freer in them while enjoying the passing scenery. However, most of the humans just looked into their phones or books missing the beautiful nature outside. 

Humans sure are strange creatures.

One transport method I have not yet tried out, a ship.

And there are even submarines going underwater, wow.  What knocked my sock off though are spaceships. To be able to go into space must be incredible, yet I do not understand the rush humans have to leave their planet. They live on a marvelous planet and still desire to find a new one without really getting to know their own. For example, when I asked my owners what is at the bottom of the deepest ocean, they did not know the answer. I don’t understand, why humans without even knowing their own planet seek to get to a new one. To me, it seems like they are running away from something…

What is your favourite transportation method?

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