This waddle is what we call a quicky – a quick hike with not much of hills, so one does not get sweaty and enjoys the nature around. Even though the Little Carpathians are familiar to us, especially around Bratislava, there are always places we haven’t been to yet and are new, as was today’s route we took.

Pezinok is a town in southwestern Slovakia. It is roughly 20 km (12.43 miles) northeast of Bratislava. It lies at an altitude of 152 meters (499 ft) above sea level.
The town is also quite well known for its wine, and they even have the most extensive collection of wine presses in central Europe. But we didn’t come for the wine or the town (at least not this time) but for the waddle.
Our waddle:
- Waddle duration: 2 hours 42 minutes
- Distance: 10.45 km (6.50 miles)
- Route: Yellow&Blue
- Map: link
- Things to see: beautiful panorama view of Pezinok, a chapel in the forest
We arrived by car. Parking is no issue, as we found a ranch with horses where our route started. In front of it, the parking area is huge.
The ranch is called ROZÁLKA and attacks many families to spend time there. Early in the morning, the horses were still sleeping, but we could see them as we returned.

The Waddle
No experience is needed for this particular waddle. It is a nice relaxed one with not much elevation as other routes we took. It can be a nice one, even with families with kids. We also saw a lot of runners and bikers, so it is a place for sports activities.

It was one of the early (very early) spring days, and we had the perfect blue sky weather and no winds. Apart from the top, there was a little wind, but one can expect as much.

There are various ways to choose from where to go, and one possibility is to take a wine route, where you can get some information on wine history. We took our own and headed for the forest.

The first thing that surprised us was a chapel in the middle of the forest.
Read more: Plavecký Mikuláš and its beautiful surroundings

It is one of many calvaries located around Pezinok. This one was restored in previous years by a group of volunteers. It is an excellent place to stop and relax for a moment. It’s very quiet and serene.
As we continued to waddle and the higher we went, the more snow we encountered. It was not enough for a snowman, though.
As we tried to find the name of it, there was a heated discussion even among the locals about what it is called. Some say it is called Calvary Cajlanská. Some call it Calvary Pezinok. A lot of people incline towards the first one. Whatever the name might be, it is beautiful.

The best part of our waddle was that we saw a lot of deer and does. Which was a bit of a surprise as the location is quite close to the city, and the route is also frequent.
Out waddle had a coffee break as usual. This time we also left a little surprise behind.

This is the FIRST of many penguin stones we have started to leave behind. On the back, it only has the year written (2022), but the rest of the stones will have a number on them as well. I hope they will bring a smile to anyone who spots them.

After a little break, we continued to waddle and had one more surprise waiting for us – another beautiful view.

We hope it inspires you when looking for a nice quick hike with friends or family.