Hiking in Little Carpathians

View from Somár

No weather can stop us from hiking, but I will be honest, I also cannot wait for it to be sunny. This hiking adventure took us to a new route. We did not waddle this route which starts at the village of Limbach and finishes at the highest hill of the southwestern part of the Little Carpathians. The hill’s name is somewhat funny in Slovak Somár, which translates to “donkey.” 

Our waddle:

  • Waddle duration: 3 hours and 18 minutes 
  • Distance:  14,20 km (8,80 miles)
  • Route:  Blue&Yellow & Red
  • Map: link


The destination is quite popular as the accessibility is excellent. You can waddle up, go there by bike, or in winter; you can go cross-country skiing.

Coming via car, you can park it opposite the church in Limbach. There is a small parking place for a few cars, so it is advisable to come earlier.

Start of our waddle

The Waddle toward Somár 

The hill has an altitude of 649 meters above sea level. It is located on the main ridge of the Little Carpathians. The overall hike is a relatively easy one, and anyone can do it. During summer, many families with children are hiking up as well.

Elevation over time waddling

From the parking space, you start to waddle on the blue route, which will take you first through the end of the village and around a few houses before stepping onto the forest path. Not long after going through it, you encounter a meadow.


Coming early in the morning has its perks. The sunrise gave us a great show.

Another positive is that we were the only ones on the hike for a long time before coming across a runner and, later, a fellow hiker.

Rise early to be alone. 

Read also: Hike from Rača to Záhorská Bystrica

As we waddled on, it got colder and colder the higher we went (a downside to the early hikers as the sun is still only waking up, but nothing that cannot be fixed with warm clothing). Some parts were still covered in snow.

On the way, you come across another meadow called Šenkárka, where you can rest under a shelter built there, and there is also a cottage, but it was closed. 

Is this the reason for the name Three Stone Hills? 😅

After about 4 km (2,5 miles), you will come to Three Stone Hills (Tri Kamenné Vrchy), with even an excellent road leading up to it as there is a military area, which you can find many signs about it on the way up.

Continuing the waddle after the Three Stone Hills brings you through a forest with a lovely path that looks enchanting with green leaves on the trees. Now it is a little eerie.

The sign for the “Somár” hill is located about 100 meters from the actual hill.  Arriving, you find one tree there – the last man standing. There is a space for a fire; if you are lucky, wood will be ready there. In summer, a frequented spot to chill and have a snack. In the past, more trees decorated the hill. Now only one is left.

Last man standing 😅

Coming in the winter months, we expected the wind. Though the one awaiting us was a little beyond our expectations.

The view – is amazing. You can see (even in cloudy weather) a lot. Being the highest hill of the southwestern part of the Little Carpathians, it offers you circular views of the surrounding hills and a beautiful view of Záhorská nížina, and you even can see the TV tower on Kamzík.  

It is an enjoyable hike with only a few areas that are a little steeper but possible to climb (even for a penguin).

As it has a great strategic location, there are more things to explore in the area if you are interested. Among some of them are, for example, Biely kríž, Medené Hámre, Priehrada Lozorno, Pajštún & Dračí Hrádok, and more. So, in the end, it can become a one-day trip. 

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